Assignemnt #104 Calling Functions from Other Files


    Name: Iaroslav Titov
    Period: 7
    Project Name: WeekdayCalculator2
    File Name:
    Date: 1/12/2015
import java.util.Scanner;

public class WeekdayCalculator2
	public static void main( String[] args )
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

		System.out.println("Welcome to Mr. Titov's fantastic birth-o-meter!");
		System.out.println("All you have to do is enter your birth date, and it will");
		System.out.println("tell you the day of the week on which you were born.");
		System.out.println("Some automatic tests....");
		System.out.println("12 10 2003 => " + weekday(12,10,2003));
		System.out.println(" 2 13 1976 => " + weekday(2,13,1976));
		System.out.println(" 2 13 1977 => " + weekday(2,13,1977));
		System.out.println(" 7  2 1974 => " + weekday(7,2,1974));
		System.out.println(" 1 15 2003 => " + weekday(1,15,2003));
		System.out.println("10 13 2000 => " + weekday(10,13,2000));

		System.out.println("Now it's your turn!  What's your birthday?");
		System.out.print("Birth date (mm dd yyyy): ");
		int mm = keyboard.nextInt();
		int dd = keyboard.nextInt();
		int yyyy = keyboard.nextInt();

		System.out.println("You were born on "+weekday(mm, dd, yyyy));

	public static String weekday( int mm, int dd, int yyyy )
		int yy, total;
		String date = "";

		yy = yyyy-1900;
		total = yy/4 + yy + dd + MonthOffset.monthOffset(mm);

		if ((mm==1||mm==2) && WeekdayCalculator.isLeap(yyyy)) total--;

		date = WeekdayName.weekday_name(total%7)+", "+MonthName.month_name(mm) +" "+dd+ ", " + yyyy;

		return date;


Picture of the output

Assignment 101